Monday, June 16, 2008

Satori - an artist impression

This video is an artist impression on the ecstatic experience called ,,Satori''. As an ecstatic and the most extreme experience of a life it was, and is today, animating thousands of people in their daily lives (some of great artists, scientist; mysticians also).

In my view it is also an inspiration of some religious moves, and founders. Of some of them, not most or all, because the main purpose of a religion is strictly money and a power - power that comes from belief in the superstition and praising stupid blindness; an ignorance. An ignorance which leads straight into being governed beyond conceivable, imaginable limits of a modern beings.

Never ever praise the weakness of any-answer. As in ,,any theory, even conspiracy theory is better than no theory at all''. It's the weakness that builds up a delusion. The intelligent beings I know, never permit themselves became afraid of saying, as well as thinking, I don't know.

However, video is worth watching, and a subject of video is worth experiencing. I did experienced it more than 1 year ago. Effects of this were strange. Extreme happiness came like from nowhere, instantaneously. A friend of my mother said ,,I see that you've found a girlfriend''. I was just tremendously satisfied of anything that just happens.

It had kept with me for a few weeks, successively, gradually decreasing its effects each day. Today only a mist and a vague remembrance of what's unimaginable left. I consider the fact of downgraded intensity of the experience as an avail of myself, since such an arrangement of a things lets me think, without being dominated by frankly enraptured thoughts.

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